L&M Law | Family Law
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Family Law

Family Law

L & M Law’s approach to family law is grounded in compassion. We understand that family dynamics are often complex and challenging. As experienced family lawyers, we look deeply into your situation to develop a unique course of action for you.

We understand that separation can be a difficult and emotional experience. Parties must come to an agreement on how to divide assets and property. If children are involved, additional complex issues can arise.

We at L & M Law will thoroughly review your specific situation and needs. We’ll advise you of the legal options and resources available to help you to determine the best course of action.

Our priority is to deliver exceptional outcomes for you and your family. That’s why our preference is to settle matters and avoid going to court. This speeds up an outcome for you, while minimising the financial and emotional costs. If a case does proceed to court, we’ll draw on our experience and expertise to ensure positive results, while being mindful of costs to you at all times.


We can make things easier for you during your vulnerable and emotional time

Divorce & Separation

Parenting Orders

Financial Agreements

Child Support

Breach of contract

Property Division

De-facto relationships


Same-sex relationship issues