L&M Law | Will & Estates
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Will & Estates

Wills & Estates 

Wills and estates planning is the process of planning your wishes for distribution of your wealth and assets after death.

We’re here to help you effectively plan ahead for your family’s long-term future. Seeking reliable professional advice on wills and estates now will pave the way for a smoother, less stressful process down the line for your family.

As experienced wills and estate lawyers, we’ll help you safeguard your assets, maximise the inheritance for appointed members of your family, and reduce the risk that your will is contested by a third party. We also offer advice on selecting the most suitable person to manage your will or estate in accordance with your wishes.

Life circumstances continually change. Wills and estate planning is a continually evolving process. It’s recommended that you update your will or estate documents to ensure your affairs are up to date and legally valid, especially during specific scenarios.

Examples of these scenarios include: new marriage, divorce, an unexpected change in financial circumstances, the birth of a child or grandchild, buying or selling a business, or policy changes to tax, insurance or superannuation.

Our team understands the sensitivity and complexity of wills and estate planning. At all times, our approach is informed by skill, care and compassion.


We can assist you with all your Will & Estate requirements.

Preparation of Wills, incorporating Testamentary Trusts if necessary

Updating and reviewing Wills

Appointment of Powers of Attorney

Appointment of Enduring Guardian


Assistance with claims against Wills & Estates

Living Wills